
Peach treats facial wrinkles and aging

A new study confirms the following scientific research that peach can help in the delay or halt the advance of wrinkles and sagging skin , as the peach contains a high percentage of vitamin A and vitamin C - and everyone knows very well the major benefit of vitamin C , a vital source in the province the freshness of the skin , nerves, bones and maintain a lot of the body's cells , and peach is a natural source which also contains alpha hydroxy acid which is a natural substance helps and works to renew skin cells and maintain the freshness and strength and moisturizing permanently , no doubt that eating fruit peach regularly represents powerful treatment for skin care and protection of wrinkles and sagging , which may occur suddenly on the face , hands and neck, so with age.

It also appeared in the medical research that peach treatment can be localized like that is split peach into thin slices are placed over the skin for an hour , just like the fruit option also helps the peach and the option to build the dead skin cells and help tighten the skin and do not sag in the future , says The study that the industry can face cream and skin of the peach mixture , cucumbers and egg whites together and then applied to the face on a daily basis for an hour a day

Treatment , wrinkles , aging , aging , sagging , body, skin , Physical Therapy
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