
The causes and treatment of fatigue and weakness

Poor physical condition and disorder , anxiety , fear and sadness the continuing preoccupation with the mind thinking all of this is psychological stress and nervous and download the self to make them weak exhausted - this in addition to the physical stress and load the muscles of the body , including not tolerate , and there are other reasons may be unknown in spite of psychological comfort and physical , but the some still complain of severe weakness and general weakness .

Must discover the real reasons behind the fatigue and exhaustion - If the reason is lack of attention to mental health , such as moving away from triggers psychological anxiety and tension and the search for alternative and immediate treatment - as well as physical therapy , such as interest in eating meals on time and attention to eating healthy meals useful as well as attention to comfort and give the body All rights such as due process which is no less sleep than normal sleep 8 hours a day with a good attention not to get used to the iPod , the iPod destroys neurological and psychiatric status and thus being the cause of exhaustion of the body .

It is said that when he complains about the body of the composition of the toxins inside and in the blood causes fatigue and quick - where the cause of toxins is taking certain medications or food and beverage unhealthy as well as the psychological state of the poor have a significant role in the formation of toxins within the body and lack of exercise - and the treatment is to improve the mental state the mood at the forefront of physical therapy , such as moving away once and for all causes of sadness and frustration and boredom , anxiety and lack of concern of the mind with ideas of the many - and then taking certain medications and vitamins such as vitamin B complex because of its role in the improvement of neurological status and treatment and strengthen the nerves , as well as vitamin C or "C" because of its role to instill in the body of vigor and vitality and strengthen natural immunity which there is abundance in the orange and lemon , as well as iron to replenish blood cells and some other vitamins and located most of the vitamins in abundance in fruit avocado and meat , especially fish - and there are some foods that you gain body strength and health , such as getting used to a day to eat onions and garlic and drink fenugreek , parsley, orange and attention to good to be food and drinks are quite normal and get away once and for all Food Industrial and unhealthy - as well as herbs health also have a role in improving the health status - Finally, consult a doctor in the beginning with personal attention to mental health and physical health has a big role in maintaining the physical integrity and self .

Treatment , weakness , fatigue , body, mental disorder , anxiety, fear , sadness
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