
Food treatment and prevention of heart disease

There is no doubt that the diseases of the heart and blood vessels is one of the most modern diseases prevalent public health hazard to humans - Due to the multiplicity of factors and causes that increase the risk of these diseases, it can be controlled and tuned by factors and the following symptoms, which can control and find a rapid treatment for those causes:

- High blood pressure
- Smoking types
- High cholesterol and fats in the blood
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Lack of physical activity and sport.

The factors that are difficult to control them is represented in genetic diseases of the heart, which is linked to age and sex.

It features a diet for heart patients as one of the factors that can be tuned and controlled, as the adoption of a healthy diet reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels by reducing the accumulation of harmful fats (LDL) on the wall of blood vessels, causing strokes at different locations.

These are some healthy foods that reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels:

Eat fish:
There is no doubt that eating fish is an effective way to get fatty acids (omega - 3), which reduces the role of the risk of heart disease and blood vessels, as pointed out many of the studies that eating 30 grams of fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, oysters Navy) daily or twice a week at least reduces the risk of heart disease by 35-50%

And helps fatty acids or the so-called (omega - 3) to increase the blood flow in the arteries and reduce damage to cells by free radicals (Free radicals) and thus raise the level of good fats (HDL) and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, or blockage or accumulation of fat in front of the course Blood.

Eating fruits and vegetables:

That a diet rich in vegetables and fruits like apples, carrots, grapefruit contribute to reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, sudden in humans.

Studies also indicate that the effectiveness of fruit and vegetables back to being a rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as Bestackrutin (Beta carotene) and pectin, which play a role in the reduction of clogged arteries, or the accumulation of fat inside those arteries.

Garlic is also a powerful effect:

Regularly eating garlic a day helps to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the blockage because they contain more than 15 antioxidant (ANTI OXIDANT) and other materials hinder the process of blood clotting (ANTI COAGULANTS) and thus reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, sudden.

It is also active substances such as garlic, which consists of volatile oils and essential compounds, such as it ALLIIN _ ALLIINASE _ ALLICIN _ SCORDININS as well as vitamins A, B, C and E.

Onion is also a strong and effective:

Onions strong medicine to fight blood clots and clogged arteries, it helps to purify the blood and purify the plug of anti-oxidants and anti-blood clotting and onion also impact on fatty foods, which prevents fat from deposition on the wall of the arteries and thus reduce the blockage as possible.

Eat as much as a tablespoon of olive oil per day:

She noted medical studies that people who eat olive oil continuously decreasing the chance of heart disease as Olive oil contains fatty acids, mono-unsaturated and healthy arteries also contain anti-oxidants that protect arteries from damage to LDL cholesterol also helps the olive oil in reducing the rate of bad cholesterol (LDL ) and raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL).

The problem spices and warm:

Among the factors to help address the spices and warm them, especially scape cloves, ginger, cumin, pepper heat helps in reducing blood clots and heart disease, as proved to be cloves with the effect of a strong resemble aspirin in protecting Platelet The ginger Valab role in reducing blood clotting and purity.

Tea, especially green tea:

 Despite the negative aspects of tea in the formation of blood - but it is characterized by its usefulness for patients with heart and arteries as it contains a lot of antioxidants, which play an important role in reducing the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood and that thus the incidence of cardiovascular disease, also contribute to the reduction of blood clotting and stroke vessels and clogged arteries, but it is necessary to pay attention to that tea contains caffeine, it is recommended to drinking it in moderation and not more than Cubans to three cups a day at the most


Oatmeal is a material substance rich in fiber, especially natural fiber type Bitagelokanz (Beta glucans) that reduce the absorption of LDL cholesterol and increase the concentration of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. 

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The causes and treatment of hair loss in women

The problem of hair loss or brittleness or harshness or weakness whole variety of problems haunt sleep every lady, where women are subjected to hair loss, a very common problem, and is not concerned with the men, but women and children vulnerable to injury as well as hair loss.

The causes of hair loss in the following:
He says researchers from the American Academy of Dermatology: «happen hair loss as a result of a number of reasons, the most important of the pressure and stress in the incidence of the problem», they also add: «The cause of this problem is the existence of a satisfactory health reflects the disadvantages on hair growth, such as disease ( lupus) or diseases, thyroid disorders (thyroid disease) or acquired growth bags Balambayd polycystic ovary syndrome, and that the method of combing hair unnatural using tools strain the hair, and what is used during that of chemicals for the dye or wrinkle or individual, all may lead to the emergence of the problem of hair loss in the later stages of life, and thus must be alert to it that all of the causes of hair loss requires a different discourse in order to restore hair to the pace of normal growth.

The reason is confirmed by «National Institute of Health» United States deciding to medical that: hair loss treatment depends on knowing why, in some cases, we find that the treatment reason to remove the problem of hair loss, it may require taking medicines to re-activity operations hair growth, or conducting restoration and repair of the hair (hair restoration).

Growth and hair loss may be a natural
And as indicated by the researchers in disorders of hair growth and hair loss in the United States, the most normal people lose between 50 to 100 hairs every day, and this precipitation is natural does not affect the general appearance of the scalp (scalp) has often people who exceed the average number of hairs their heads are more than 100 thousand hair, and from there they have a greater number of hairs of the head.

This precipitation is natural is a natural growth of the same number of hairs during the day, and that hair is one of the scalp is going through 3 stages in life, a growth phase, and the phase lie, and the stage falls, Valharh start appearing for the first time during the stage of «underdeveloped» (growth phase), or scientifically known as «Onagan» (anagen) and live hair one at this stage between two or three or four years, depending on the people, and at this stage increases the length of the hair in every month about 1 to 1.5 cm, and then after This active phase in the growth of the hair, the intervention of the hair stage of sleep and lie on the side of activity growth process, any stage «developed lie» (resting phase), or the so-called scientifically b «Talogin» (telogen) and during this stage remains the length of the hair as it is it.

And falling hair or automatically by factors tensile during massage hair during washing or combing hair, so what we see stuck comb or brush, or in the floor tile bathing place is those hairs that end-of-the default normal, and start new hair growth, to go through three phases foregoing , in the sense that once the hair will fall, until you start again in place of growth, and thus keeps the scalp to its natural form in the number of hairs.

It is quite natural to get the type of precipitation is a natural part of aging and the attainment of the stages of aging, but precipitation in the form a clear, natural, and that leads to either lightness cover the poetic to the scalp in general, or to the appearance of obvious places disappear, including the cover of poetic, means that the pace of Precipitation processes (rate of shedding) be more than the pace of the return of the natural growth of new hair (rate of regrowth), and this index is unhealthy.

This is a list of reasons for the truth behind the hair loss

Psychological stress and its strong influence
Among the reasons for hair loss, experience the tension stress from any source, and whatever motivated, as well as exposure to health conditions difficult, especially undergo major surgery, say researchers from the American Academy of Dermatology: «loses women quantity and clear of scalp hair after traffic cases of stress and psychological distress, such as pregnancy, childbirth, and the incidence of a disease emergency or to undergo a surgical procedure, or death of a loved one, as well as exposure to the differences of family and marital problems, and tensions acting career, and other factors that are affected by women more than men »and tension compels a lot of hairs scalp to enter into the stage of «developed lie» and activity stops hair growth, and this negative impact not only to stop the increase in the length of the hair, but almost for hair loss, and therefore the effects of traffic phases severe tensions appear after a period of time (a few months), and require more time also in order to return to its previous growth of hair, as hair loss due to stress usually does not require treatment, but hair back to its former natural state the demise of reasons.

Disorders of the hormone and its negative impact:
The changes in the rates of hormone different in the body, causing problems with temporary hair growth and hair loss, such as what happens during the stages of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, or after taking the drugs hormonal contraceptives or even after you stop taking them for long periods, or during menopause , or disorders of endocrine diseases other body, such as those in the brain or the abdomen or pelvis, especially disorders that increase the ratio of testosterone male (testosterone), it is common to increase hair loss during the three months following the stage of birth, as you may get hair loss as a result of diseases thyroid disorders, especially sloth thyroid, and here delayed hair loss about 3 months after the entry for the laziness of the thyroid gland, and to address this laziness delayed the return of hair growth naturally to a comparable period, and in general, the treatment of hormonal disorders and adjustable rate hormones the body, restores In most cases, vitality and activity to the growth of scalp hair.

Therapeutic drugs may also have a negative impact on the hair and scalp
Medications have side effects hair loss, especially the hair of the head, such as medicines gas hematopoietic (blood thinners), or antidepressant medications (antidepressants), or some types of hypnotic drugs, or drugs hormonal contraceptives, or certain types of medications to address cardiovascular disease or hypertension Blood, drugs or treatment of gout (gout) or certain vitamins such as vitamin pharmaceutical (A), or chemical treatment of cancer drugs (chemotherapy, as well as the presence of chronic diseases affecting the skin, such as diabetes or lupus or other.

Malnutrition healthy hair growth and strength
Malnutrition or fashions Fever lose weight, or operations repackaging and reduce stomach affect the hair, and hair growth naturally needs to eat sufficient amounts of proteins, quality contain the types of essential amino acids all, also needs hair to the element iron, and other groups of metals and vitamins, like any tissue body nature «continued growth and continued», and therefore, malnutrition, for reasons relating to non-availability of types of health food products, or a result of poor selection of food products covered by the person, or the presence of disorders satisfactory shift without eating enough, or not complete digest food properly or otherwise inhibit the intestinal absorption of nutrients covered by one, the researchers point out that «Fashion diet» unhealthy, which do not give the man a chance to eat a wide variety of types of foods, give rise to the problem of hair loss.

Hair Care coarse or Brittle
Processors complementary hair, which play an important and influential in hair loss, then it chemical or physical effects of the means used in hair styling and beautifying and industry layoffs different, other than the care of companion hair and use of natural things to it, such as resorting to the kinds of dye chemicals, instead of henna or other of the materials used for dyeing natural hair, and like chemicals or Physical methods used to remove wrinkles hair and make it smooth straight line, instead of using natural vegetable oils, as well as repeat comb the hair types of combs and a brush made of synthetic materials are abnormal, or exposed to hair dryers with hot air , and many women Alahzn difference in the use of combs made of natural wood or natural parts of the animal, Kaj or cover the turtle's body or other.

For various reasons, may occur of infection fungal scalp (fungal infection), which leads to hair loss in areas of the scalp, and require these cases a doctor examined and inspected, and possibly take samples of hair to the laboratory for analysis and see whether there is a fungi require treatment .

Review dermatologist
Examinations and tests for hair loss doctors recommend reviewing your dermatologist to complain of hair loss, when the notes women get loss sudden hair, or for loss of hair in places without the other of the scalp, or when they notice an increase unusual in the amount of hair sticking comb or brush after combing hair or scattered on the floor tiles bathing place, it is necessary to check with your doctor to see and distinguish the cause of hair loss, especially since there are several other reasons treatable, and from which to re-activity of the hair growth, as there are several drugs with promising results in slowing the pace of hair loss that occurs under the influence of genetics.

Finally, the prevention of hair loss in general, doctors recommend ensuring good nutrition that offer the body important nutrients such as proteins and oils, which have an effect on hair growth, as caution to the need to care gently hair, especially left to dry after bathing in a natural way, and without exposure to heat Air hair dryer, and avoid as much as possible make hairstyles debilitating for tufts of scalp hair, specifically as researchers say that the winding hair-like strands (braids) high and long, or pelletizing hair on the cake (buns), or in the form of horsetail (ponytails).

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Warning of foods that cause constipation and colic

Complain about a lot of people constipated and colic, as is a more digestive problems common in adults and children is constipation and possibly colic, a disorder that affects the digestive system, where the person experiences difficulty in output and lack of occurrence of the output at less than three times per week or exit stools Bechtel strong or small or heavy, and it is natural that is ejected when adult human feces amount of feces daily weighing 200 grams in cases of natural and waste out of the colon through the payment process to the outside through the anus.

It causes that give rise to process the output is a natural physiological reason is the involuntary muscle relaxant to the anus, and often gets in this half-hour period following a meal or after drinking a glass of water.

Causes of constipation in a natural human multiple as follows: -
Do not eat food with fiber diets - and over in the work of daily exercise, which helps muscle flexibility, especially in the abdomen.
Do not eat sufficient amounts of water with or after a meal.
Reasons satisfactory to accompany the body - and her relationship disorders in the body such as constipation associated with cases of irritable bowel syndrome, pregnancy or travel or stroke, or diabetes, or the laziness of the thyroid gland or the presence of hemorrhoids or colon cancer or the side effects of combinations of drugs such as those used to treat high blood pressure or to treat depression or iron pills for the treatment of anemia and other drugs that reflect the negative effects of that problem.

Tips and guidelines to help alleviate constipation: -
You must eat a diet with a small amount of food in a timely manner, preferably usual eating five small meals a day instead of three meals a hypothetical.
You should avoid foods and ready-made food such as white bread, potatoes or potatoes, sausage and hamburger meat that are difficult to digest easily.
Drinking too much water and fluids as much as possible.
Focus on eating foods rich in fiber and laxatives such as legumes, beans, lentils, whole-wheat grains and non-peeled in wheat bread and brown lentils, peas, beans and flax seed powder and barley juice because of its positive effect of the stomach and intestines.

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Green tea and black great benefits

Black tea is the beverage of the most famous in science as well as green tea as well, which contains a lot of health benefits that many do not know:

First black tea:
It is most common among people in the world, especially in the Arab world, India and Pakistan, which represents 75% of global consumption of tea, and the tea made from the leaves of the plant Camellia branching, which are usually wrapped and fermented and then dried and milled. Black tea has a bitter taste and has the largest percentage of caffeine (40 mg per cup).

The health benefits of black tea:
Black tea contains a high amount of antioxidants, which are of great benefit in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, a study has shown that people who drink more than three cups of black tea a day may be less likely to be afflicted by strokes by 21%.

Second, green tea:
Green tea is different in terms of taste compared with black tea, where the leaves are drying and heat treated after harvest, which prevents fermentation process contains 25 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

The health benefits of green tea:
Green tea contains antioxidant compounds, which may prevent cancer as well as heart disease., Has been conducting a study that every cup of green tea are drunk daily reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels by 10%.

Chinese black tea:
It is very much like black tea, but it is fermented for a shorter, giving it a richer taste and contains 30 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

Chinese tea and health benefits are as follows:
Chinese tea helps in weight loss, which activates the enzyme responsible for dissolving triglyceride. Study showed that women who drink Chinese tea burns calories during the two hours of time than women who drink only water.

White tea:
White tea may not know many people in the world, where they are picking leaves early and has a different flavor compared with other species and the less percentage of caffeine (15 mg per cup) and tea solution may contain more antioxidants compared to tea in the bags and that because the leaves have undergone less to manufacture.

The health benefits of white tea:
The benefits of white tea is the protection from heart disease and cancer, as some research suggests that it may provide some benefit for patients with diabetes, where a study found that white tea improved glucose tolerance and reduced low-density cholesterol.

Tea of ​​various flavors:
Aromatic additives are incorporated Kalqrfah and orange peel for green tea leaves or black or white together.

The health benefits of tea multiple flavors:
Tea flavored with the same levels of antioxidants and the same kinds of benefits to non-flavored, but the types of fruit flavored important Kaltot may contain more antioxidants.

Green Herbal Tea:
Is not considered a herbal tea of ​​teas and is synthesized by combining some dried fruit, flowers and herbs. It also does not contain caffeine and herbs should avoid herbal tea for weight loss because they contain dangerous laxatives.

The health benefits of herbal tea:
Study showed that drinking three cups of hibiscus tea a day may reduce blood pressure for people with high blood pressure and no suggestion that chamomile tea may encourage sleep and mint tea may calm the stomach and calms the nerves and mental state.

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Recept na odstranění chloupků z obličeje a těla trvale

Stěžuje většina žen z problému nadměrného vlasy na obličej, ruce , tělo a nohy - tam, kde jsou ženy krásné, když oni dokončili svou ženskost a jemnost - a to ochlupení jedámskávelký problém - a tato směs účinná zdravotní a ujistěte může pomoci non - klíčení vlasy znovu - protože to vyžaduje Program tak činit i nadále , kdykoli se objevil v obličeji čas od času .
Následující recept :
Olivový olej mýdlo strouhaný slaná voda obsažená
Výše uvedené složky jsou smíchány , až se stane jako tmel - a pak maloval obličej a na místě, kde husté vlasy - a nechte hodinu nebo dvě a pak se promyjí vlažnou vodou, dokud je místo pádu vlasy .

Cizrna a voda nezobrazí užitečné ve vlasech znovu - kde je možné dát cizrnu do vody a nechte celý den a jsou tuku tělo vodní cizrny těchto - a ne pomáhatvzhled vlasů je nutné pokračovat několikrát

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A recept a szőrtelenítés az arc és a test állandó

Panaszkodott a nők többsége a probléma a túlzott szőr az arc, a kéz , a test és a láb - , ahol a nők szépek , amikor befejezték a nőiesség és a lágyság - és szőrnövekedés a nők a nagy probléma - , és ezt a keveréket hatékony orvosi és biztos segít nem csírázását haj újra - mivel ehhez a program továbbra is ezt , amikor megjelent az arca időről időre .
A következő recept :
Olívaolaj szappan reszelt sós víz található
A fenti anyagokat összekeverjük , amíg nem válik , mint a gitt - , majd festett az arc és a hely, ahol sűrű haja - , és hagyjuk egy-két órát , majd mossuk le langyos vízzel, amíg a hely hajhullás .

Csicseriborsó és a víz nem jelenik meg használható a haj újra - , ahol tudunk csicseriborsó vízbe , és hagyjuk egy teljes nap, és a zsír a test a víz csicseriborsó ezt - , és nem segítenek a megjelenése a haj van szükség, hogy továbbra is több alkalommal

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Рецептата за отстраняване на косми от лицето и тялото за постоянно

Как да се оплачем за по-голямата част от жените от проблема на излишните косми по лицето, ръцете , тялото и краката - където жените са красиви , когато са завършили своята женственост и мекота - и че окосменост е женско голям проблем - и тази смес ефективна медицинска и сигурно може да помогне не- поникване на коса отново - тъй като това изисква програмата продължи да го прави всеки път, когато се появи в лицето от време на време.
Следната рецепта :
Зехтин сапун настърган солена вода , съдържаща
Горните съставки се смесват , докато се превръща в нещо като маджун - и тогава , рисувани от лицето и мястото, където гъста коса - и се оставя за един или два часа и след това се измиват с хладка вода, докато мястото е падане на косата.

Нахут и вода не се появяват полезни в косата отново - когато може да се сложи нахут във вода и се оставя за цял ден и са дебели тялото на водните нахут това - и да не помогнат на външния вид на косата е необходимо да продължи в продължение на няколко пъти
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Przepis na usuwanie włosów z twarzy i ciała na stałe

Skarżą się na większości kobiet z problemem nadmiernego włosy na twarzy, rąk , ciała i stóp - w których kobiety są piękne , gdy zakończona swoją kobiecość i miękkość - i że owłosienie jest dla kobietduży problem - i tę mieszaninę skuteczne medyczne i na pewno może pomóc nie- kiełkowanie włosy znowu - jak wymaga tego Program nadal to robić , gdy pojawił się na twarzy od czasu do czasu .
Poniższy przepis:
Oliwa z oliwek mydło woda sól zawarta tarty
Powyższe składniki miesza się , aż staje się jak kit - a następnie malowane na twarzy i miejsca, w którym grube włosy - i pozostawić na godzinę lub dwie , a następnie przemywa się letnią wodą , ażmiejsce spada włosy.

Ciecierzyca i woda nie pojawia przydatne w włosy ponownie - gdzie można go umieścić ciecierzycy w wodzie i pozostawić na cały dzień , a to ciało tłuszczu ciecierzycy wody tym - i nie jest wymagane , aby pomóc wygląd włosy nadal kilka razy
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Het recept voor ontharing van het gezicht en het lichaam permanent

Klagen over de meerderheid van de vrouwen uit het probleem van overbeharing in het gezicht, handen , lichaam en voeten - waar vrouwen mooi zijn als ze klaar met hun vrouwelijkheid en zachtheid - en dat beharing is een vrouwen een groot probleem - en dit mengsel effectieve medische en ervoor kunnen niet- kieming van het haar weer te helpen - als dit nodig het programma blijven doen als verschenen in het gezicht van tijd tot tijd .
Het volgende recept :
Olijfolie zeep geraspt zout water bevatte
De bovenstaande ingrediënten worden gemengd , totdat het wordt als stopverf - en vervolgens geschilderd door het gezicht en de plaats waar dik haar - en laat voor een uur of twee en dan worden gewassen met lauw water totdat de plek is haaruitval .

Kikkererwten en water niet bruikbaar in het haar weer verschijnen - waar het kan worden opgehaald kikkererwten in water en laat voor een volledige dag en zijn dikke lichaam van water kikkererwten dit - en niet om te helpen de verschijning van haar is nodig om nog enkele keren

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The recipe for hair removal from the face and body permanently

Complaining about the majority of women from the problem of excessive hair on the face , hands, body and feet - where women are beautiful when they completed their femininity and softness - and that hairiness is a women's a big problem - and this mixture effective medical and sure can help non- germination of hair again - as this requires the program continue to do so whenever appeared in the face from time to time .
The following recipe :
Olive oil soap grated salt water contained
The above ingredients are mixed until it becomes like putty - and then painted by the face and the place where thick hair - and leave for an hour or two and then are washed with lukewarm water until the place is falling hair.

Chickpeas and water does not appear useful in the hair again - where it can be put chickpeas in water and leave for a full day and are fat body of water chickpeas this - and not to help the appearance of hair is required to continue for several times
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Získejte vlasy silné a hebké do tří dnů

Vlasy jemné a lesklé , je to, co je žádáno o všechny ženy a pro vlasy měkké jako hedvábí postupně a vlasy také silný a odolný proti povětrnostním vlivům , a že během následujících tří dnů Vám nabízímepřírodní a velmi jednoduchý , skládající se z olivového oleje , a kůra třemi korálky banán , kokosový olej .

Způsob přípravy a použití , jsou následující:

• Míchání banánové slupky a kokosový olej a olivový olej, ve stejném množství kokosového oleje v mixéru , pak míchání přísady dobře .

• míchání směs na mírném ohni, dokud varu .

• nalijte směs do zásobníku nebo nádoby , pak ji na vlasy Khmam oleje , asi dvě hodiny .

• Po dvou hodinách , umýt si vlasy důkladně , a pak odváděny na vlasy, styling nástroje - Všimněte si, s plynulými přechody a lesk vašich vlasů a vlasy Užijte si hladké a zářivé .

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Szerezd meg a haj erős és selymes három napon belül

A haj puha és fényes , amit kér a nők , és a haj puha , mint a selyem fokozatosan és a haj erős és ellenáll az időjárás , és a következő három nap , kínálunk egy természetes és nagyon egyszerű, amely az olívaolaj , és húzza három gyöngy banán, kókusz olaj .

A módszer a készítmény és használatra fejlesztettek ki, az alábbiak szerint:

• Keverés banán héjat és a kókuszolaj és az olívaolaj az azonos mennyiségű kókuszdió olajat egy keverőben , majd összekeverjük az összetevőket jól össze .

• keverés a keveréket egy alacsony lángon, amíg forró .

• öntsük a keveréket egy tálca vagy pot, majd tedd a hajad Khmam olaj , körülbelül két órán át .

• Két óra elteltével , mossa meg a haját alaposan , majd lemerült a hajformázó eszköz - Ne feledje, zökkenőmentesen és a csillogás a hajad , és a haj Élvezze a sima és élénk.

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Вземи косата здрава и копринена рамките на три дни

Косата мека и лъскава е това, което се иска от всички жени , и за косата мека като коприна постепенно и косата също така силен и устойчив на атмосферни влияния , и че в рамките на следващите три дни , ние ви предлагаме естествено и много проста, състояща се от зехтин, и кора от три мъниста банан, кокосово масло .

Метод за получаване и употреба , са както следва :

• Смесване бананови обелки и кокосово масло и зехтин в същия размер на кокосово масло в блендер , след това смесване на съставките заедно добре .

• смесване на сместа на слаб огън, докато температурата на кипене.

• Сместа се изсипва в тава или тенджера, след това го сложете в косата Khmam масло, за около два часа .

• След два часа измийте косата си внимателно , а след това изкарва чрез инструмента за оформяне на косата - Имайте предвид, с гладкост и блясък на косата си, а косата Насладете гладка и жизнена.

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Pobierz włosy mocne i jedwabiste w ciągu trzech dni

Włosy stają się miękkie i błyszczące, co jest poszukiwane przez wszystkich kobiet, i dla włosów miękkich jak jedwab stopniowo i włosy też silny i odporny na warunki atmosferyczne, i że w ciągu najbliższych trzech dni, oferujemy naturalny i bardzo prosty, składający się z oliwy z oliwek i skórkę przez trzy kulki banan, olej kokosowy .

Sposób wytwarzania i użytkowania, są następujące:

• Mieszanie skórki bananów i olej kokosowy i olej z oliwek w tej samej ilości oleju kokosowego w mieszalniku, a następnie zmieszanie razem składników dobrze.

• mieszanie mieszanki na małym ogniu, aż do wrzenia.

• wlać mieszaninę do zasobnika lub puli, a następnie umieścić go na swojej włosów Khmam oleju, przez około dwie godziny.

• Po dwóch godzinach dokładnie umyć włosy, a następnie odprowadzana przez narzędzia do układania włosów - Uwaga z gładkości i blasku Twoich włosów, a włosy Ciesz się gładką i żywy.

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Haal het haar sterk en zijdeachtig binnen drie dagen

Het haar zacht en glanzend is wat wordt gezocht door alle vrouwen, en voor het haar zacht als zijde geleidelijk en haar ook sterk en bestand tegen het weer, en dat binnen de komende drie dagen, bieden wij u een natuurlijke en zeer eenvoudige, bestaande uit olijfolie, en schil door drie kralen banaan, kokosolie .

De bereidingswijze en gebruik als volgt:

• Mengen banaan schillen en kokosolie en olijfolie in dezelfde hoeveelheid kokosolie in een blender, dan is het mengen van de ingrediënten goed door elkaar.

• mengen van het mengsel op een laag vuur tot het kookpunt.

• Giet het mengsel in een bak of pot, zet het dan op je haar Khmam olie, ongeveer twee uur.

• Na twee uur, was je haar grondig, en vervolgens door het haar styling tool geloosd - Let op met gladheid en glans van je haar, en haar Geniet van vloeiende en levendig.

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Get the hair strong and silky within three days

The hair soft and shiny is what is sought by all women , and for the hair soft as silk gradually and hair also strong and resistant to weather, and that within the next three days , we offer you a natural and very simple , consisting of olive oil , and peel by three beads banana , coconut oil .

The method of preparation and use, are as follows :

• Mixing banana peels and coconut oil and olive oil in the same amount of coconut oil in a blender , then mixing the ingredients together well .

• blending the mixture over low heat until boiling .

• pour the mixture into a tray or pot, then put it on your hair Khmam oil , for about two hours .

• After two hours , wash your hair thoroughly , and then discharged through the hair styling tool - Note with smoothness and luster of your hair , and hair Enjoy smooth and vibrant .


Fotky císařský řez narození

Tyto obrázky od sjednání císařským řezem, tyto obrázky vyprávět porodního procesu od začátku břišní řezem a přístup do dělohy a pak výstup dítě dokončil pak šít břicha po výkonu dítěte.
Podívejte se na ty obrázky, které ukazují rozsah preferovaného matky k dětem, a musí být pro děti potěšit dobrou práci a lásku ke všem rodičům otec a matka, a také ukazují tyto obrázky přes pokrok medicíny a vědy.
Necháme vás s obrázky z vás sledovat, pokud jste ho znal, se naučil z obrázků toho, co nevíme.

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Fényképek császármetszés szülés

Ezek a képek az előkészületeket a császármetszés, ezek a képek elmondani a szülő folyamat elejétől a hasi metszés és a hozzáférést a méh, majd kiírja a gyermek befejezte majd varrni a has után a kimenet a gyermek.
Nézd meg azokat a képeket, amelyek megmutatják a mértéke inkább az anya a gyerekek, és kell, hogy legyen a gyerekeknek, hogy kérjük a jó munkát, és a szeretet, hogy a szülők az apa és az anya, valamint azt is mutatják, hogy ezek a képek fölött haladás az orvostudomány és a tudomány.
Azt hagyjuk meg képeket nézni, ha nem ismerte őt, tanult a képeket, amit nem tudom.

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Снимки цезарови раждания

Тези снимки чрез организиране за Цезарово сечение, тези снимки разказват на родилния процес от началото на коремната разреза и достъпа до матката и след това на изхода на детето приключи тогава шият корема след изхода на детето.
Виж тези снимки, които показват степента на предпочитан майка на децата, и трябва да е за децата да се моля на добрата работа и да правят любов на всички бащата на родителите и майката, и също така показват тези снимки върху напредъка на медицината и науката.
Ние ви оставя с твои снимки гледам, освен ако не го познаваха, научили от снимките, което ние не знаем.

За по-свързани теми и разнообразни - Натиснете тук

Zdjęcia cesarskie urodzeń

Te wyniki Przez zastosowanie cesarskiego cięcia, te wyniki powiedzieć proces rodzenia od początku nacięcie brzucha i dostępu do macicy i wyjście dziecko zakończone następnie szycie brzucha po wyjściu dziecka.
Spójrz na te zdjęcia, które pokazują zakres preferowanych matki do dzieci, i musi być dla dzieci zadowolić dobrą pracę i kochać wszystkich rodziców ojca i matki, a także pokazać te obrazy na postęp medycyny i nauki.
Mamy zostawić z obrazami ciebie oglądać, chyba że go znali, dowiedział się od obrazów, czego nie znają.

Więcej Podobne tematy i różnorodna - kliknij tutaj

Foto Keizersnede geboorten

Deze foto's door het regelen van een keizersnede, deze foto's vertellen het geboorteproces vanaf het begin van de incisie in de buik en de toegang tot de baarmoeder en vervolgens de uitgang van het kind voltooid naai vervolgens de buik na de uitgang van het kind.
Kijk eens naar die foto's dat de mate van voorkeur moeder om de kinderen te laten zien, en moet zijn voor de kinderen om het goede werk te behagen en de liefde voor alle ouders vader en moeder, en tonen ook deze beelden over de vooruitgang van de geneeskunde en de wetenschap.
We laten u met foto's van jou kijken, tenzij je hem kende, geleerd van de foto's wat we niet weten.

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